BOB'S RED MILL: Gluten Free Brownie Mix, 21 oz
Our endlessly popular Gluten Free Brownie Mix was reformulated and repackaged in 2015 to bring you even moister, richer, brownies with an improved taste and texture! Just follow three simple steps on the back of the package and you’ll have warm and delicious gluten free brownies in only about 30 minutes! All you need from your kitchen is 3 eggs and ½ cup butter. These brownies are stellar on their own, but we like to encourage creativity, so make them your own by adding your favorite mix-ins. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Nuts: walnuts, pecans, or almonds
Baking chips: chocolate, peanut butter, white chocolate, mint, or butterscotch
Nut butters: peanut, almond, or cashew – drizzle nut butter over brownie batter in the pan; use a knife to swirls
Dried fruits: cherries, raspberries, currants, coconut flakes
Spices and flavors: Cinnamon, orange extract, instant coffee powder, cayenne pepper powder
Happy baking!